Smart Comp. Tester

Hypedia provides enabling technologies, field applications, and market trend.

Smart Comp. Tester

Hyvision is helping smart mobile devices do bmore with its unique technologies to efficiently assemble/test new
and smart data input devices such as 3D sensing and various sensors in smart mobiles

Sensor Test

Recently, many sensors (e.g. GPS sensor, altimeter, and balancer) have been embedded in smart devices for various purposes:
checking my position (or the position of smart device) in three dimensions, checking the horizontality at a construction site, etc.
As those sensors are used for various applications more and more, there is a growing need for precise sensors.

Hyvision provides a sensor performance testing system that
enables many sensors embedded in smart devices to produce very precise and accurate results.
This makes it possible for sensors in smart devices to function reliably even in outdoor conditions where there are many variables. 

System Use
Hyvision-Specific Technologies
HW and Image Testing
of the Camera Module
  • Technology for HW measurement: Open/ Short / Leakage/ Current test
  • Technology for image measurement such as Defect / Stain / Noise